Friday, July 10, 2009

Hello July 10th 2009. I just got home from the doctor. I had a chest x-ray yesterday and an appt. w/ my oncologist today. x-ray was normal, blood work is normal and my next appointment is in October. I'm hoping to be able to get a PET CT in October as well. Hopefully I won't have to fight the insurance company on that.

So, my oncologist is moving :( I'm quite sad. My first oncologist moved to North Carolina to be closer to family and this oncologist is moving to be close to family, but he also hates it here (who can blame him). So, he's going to be working in Phoenix, ARIZONA. I'm excited for him. He was talking to me today about how life is too short to be somewhere you don't like or do something you don't enjoy doing. It's so true. I need to get out of Knoxville. I don't enjoy my life here. I mean, I do love having my mom. But now that my dad is gone, the idea of trying to be in this area just seems pointless. I need to find out what i want to do career-wise and figure out where i want to move.

Lord, give me some direction. please open some doors for me. speak through someone to me!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love it! Normal results! Hoping you get that Pet scan too -- with no insurance issues.

Who's Jason?

Hope you're doing well.