Monday, December 8, 2008

travel plans

i'm so excited about the upcoming travel plans. this saturday, i am leaving for San Francisco. My mom, Roger, and I are going out west for a few days to visit my step sister. We plan to do some shopping and sight-seeing and we also have tickets to the San Francisco Ballet to see the nutcracker. (so excited). We'll be staying at the hilton at fisherman's warf. I'm looking forward to the trip and the time away.

Then, on the 20th we are leaving for Atlanta. We'll be there for a day or two and then we'll be heading to south florida for christmas at my brother's house. I'm looking forward to being in warmer weather for sure and seeing the nieces and nephew again (got to see them for thanksgiving).

As for New Year's, I'm not sure yet, but I might be heading to D.C. Stef and I have celebrated new years together for the past few years. Last year, I went to D.C. and the year before, Stef and I were roommates and we went to Baytown in Destin w/ the boys.

So, many travel plans for the month of December but I'm excited for the adventures to come :)

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